Use "rationalise|rationalised|rationalises|rationalising" in a sentence

1. His ability to rationalise verged on the psychopathic.

2. 1. Time Related Continuity allowance (TRCA) structure and slabs have been rationalised.

3. I can't rationalise my absurd fear of insects.

4. 6 synonyms for Apologise: rationalize, apologize, rationalise, justify, excuse, apologize

5. In 1986-88 steps were taken to rationalise the use of water resources.

6. That is, as a policy objective certainly we need to rationalise energy prices.

7. Insist that I will not rationalise blunders, or omit details to camouflage motives.

8. Farming businesses rationalise the labour force, or decide not to replace retiring staff.

9. Does it consider measures should be agreed on among the Member States aimed at rationalising drift-net fishing?

10. In addition to the creation of a new section – Protocol, Events Management and Hospitality – existing areas were rationalised.

11. Cost savings may also result from agreements that allow the parties to rationalise production across their facilities.

12. Few talk of brutality by their own side except to rationalise what went on.

13. While advancing reason, they failed to divorce morality from religion and tried to rationalise faith.

14. The "veiled reality", then, can in no way help Christians or Muslims or Jews rationalise their beliefs.

15. Changes in the 1950s and early 1960s brought rationalised boundaries to create tighter geographical regions and eradicate penetrating lines and competition.

16. His new parent company may now be adding different tension as he lays plans to rationalise staffing structures.

17. The enlargement of the EU is currently forcing the Commission to rationalise its relays and networks more effectively.

18. Several important steps have been taken to modernise, rationalise and strengthen our defence security and intelligence apparatus.

19. We must acknowledge that a solid way of accelerating, rationalising and where necessary, making these processes for validating alternative methods more transparent is envisaged

20. Agnes Harkin struck silver with her suggestion to rationalise the general ledger statements received south of the border.

21. There would also be stimulation of investment to reap economies of scale, and to rationalise production and distribution systems.

22. It seems to have given little thought to merging those villages, towns or even some of the 47 prefectures to rationalise public services.

23. GM sold Saab in early 2010 as part of a drive to rationalise its brands but Spyker has struggled to keep the carmaker going.

24. Others rationalise that it might bring benefits to one of the world's coldest countries, freeing up a melting Arctic for oil and gas exploration, and extending the country's brief growing season.

25. In order to create a conducive economic environment for achieving high and sustainable rates of growth over the next few decades, Government of India is focused on simplifying procedures, introducing greater accountability, enhancing informed decision making and rationalising our laws and regulations.

26. In a statement later on Thursday, Leon said it was not good enough to "simply invoke multi-culturalism or the imposition of religious law to rationalise or 'Contextualise' this inhuman sentence"

27. HSBC has always sought to rationalise its money market funds where possible. We are now, but that said I think we are down to a pretty lean core and I don't expect significant further rationalisation.

28. Now, Baumol asserts that sales optimisation postulates with its minimum profit restraint can describe and rationalise the variation in prices Consequenting of variations in overhead costs, while profit optimisation as pointed above cannot consider for it.